On the day of y partners assessment she hadn't provided me with any notes, diagrams or a face chart of what I was doing on the day, so this for me was one of the bigger challenges to try and over come. I also had awful news the night before which made me very upset both mentally and emotionally, though I tried to block it out and not think about it. It was quite difficult to stay focused and think about what I was doing which didn't add to the fact that I also had nothing to work from.
We had practised the the make-up and hair during the week before the actual exam so I had a basic idea of what I was doing. I had a photo to work from o my partners phone which did help me. My partner provided all make-up, brushes etc for me for the day and I did the same for her. We decided this was easier because if she wanted a specific brush to be used or product that I didn't have she would have to bring it so instead of us each bring in certain things we just said it would be easier if when it is your design you bring the brushes, make-up skin care etc as you know what you like to use . We also felt hat this gave a better insight into the real industry as if you designed a make-up we thought you might have to supply the hair equipment and make-up products , brushes, clips etc to create the look and also for a hygiene point of view, if your make-up brushes are used only on you as much as possible it stops cross contamination.
She calmed me down during the assesment which really helped me focus on the bigger picture. She was a real eam player ad Im really glad I got to do my assessmet with her. I felt her design had alot of Elizabethan references to it ad I found it quite interesting, the pattern and how detailed it was which she included in her design with a detailed eye liner effect.

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