I'm going to talk about some of my contemporary Elizabethan Make-up designs. Inspired by many different things. The first one I'm not sure if I like. How I had pictured it in my head wasn't how it came out to look. The first look has been inspired by images and words in a song. The images are of contemporary make-up which I really liked and struck me so I wanted to try and incorporate something like it into my designs. The inspiration from the song is the following paragraph
'' loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street. Loving him is like trying to change your mind once your already falling through the free fall, losing him was blue like iv never known, missing him was dark grey all alone but loving him was red, burring red ''
So basically the story behind the make-up is when I heard the song from Taylor swift called Red. It reminded me very much of queen Elizabeth before she had her love affair and become a very powerful ruler. ''Loving him was like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street'' this to me gives me an image of freedom which is what a lot of the Elizabethans had, epically the woman in terms of other countries in the world at the time, Which reflects the powder to be free on the face without any real sort of structure, to allow the powder to drop to the bottom of the eye and just wipe it or smudge it. The colours are from the song which are also colours worn by the Elizabethans which were royal colours and meant you had power or where important.
From the colours in the song, I got this image of a woman who had been emotionally hurt which is much like queen Elizabeth in terms of her love affair and having it not work out, she was hurt by this. And by proving to her people she was loyal to them and to keep her level of power she chose to stay single, not so much because she wanted to but because she felt like she had to or she would lose what she had. So I kept the colours near the eyes to reflect pain and emotion as when a person is upset or sad they tend to cry which comes from the eyes I wanted to use the red blush and the white face to make a very clear Elizabethan reference and chose the colour red as that is the colour of power and also is the title of the song. This colour red means so much to both Taylor swift and in the Elizabethan times. Iv kept the lip a simple undefined pale pink to represent the lip in Elizabeth times as this is a look mostly based around emotion and culture I felt to have another clear Elizabethan reference to keep the lip referencing the lip they would have used.
I would really love some feed back on this as I'm a bit unsure about the idea if it fits the brief correctly or if I have gone off on a bit of a tangent

My second look I created was inspired by the Viven Westwood runway look where you take part of the Elizabethan feature and apply it and also from the lash pigmentation class we did with our lecturer Lara where she showed us how to pigment the colour of the lashes to make them any colour you want. I really liked the way it look and felt it gave a very interesting twist on the Elizabethan look, also because in class we have been working so much with lashes in the past few weeks and colours I thought it all blended in really well with everything we have learned in the past few weeks, and what better way to practice everything then to combine some of the techniques.

This is my second experiment look. I quite like this one. I would like to add something to the lip to make it that bit more modern and give it quite a twist. I chose the colour red because I like that colour lipstick on me and because I used my hair extensions to do the pin curls and two of them were red so I felt it made since. I also like using the colour red throughout my look as going back to my original idea the colour red meant power, and authority and was a symbolic colour in Elizabethan times. I'm thinking of using red Christmas bulb decorations in place of the pin curls as my hair being short has encountered a lot of problems when trying to make the pin curls look decent. Plus I also wanted to add a modern twist or accessory to the look so I thought they would be kinda fun to play around with and maybe a bit more different to what other people would chose. Plus its so close to Christmas we might aswell try and include it! I have a few other looks that I would like to try out aswell so I will post up about 4 or 5 more