In the Fundamentals of Hair and Make-up we were conparing and contrasting todays society , people and culture to examine who could be the new Elizabethan of todays era? After carefull consideration, I have chosen as one of my ''New Elizabethan's'' , Kate Middleton. I have chosen Kate for a number of reasons the main reason being much like queen Elizabeth , alot of magazines, people and society look up to Kate as a fashion icon. Her outfits are splashed all over the newspapers and magazines, she is talked about constantly for her hair, her make-up and her style. Theres plently of talk about how pretty she is and this is exactly how queen Elizabeth was talked about. At the time everyone thought she was just the bees knee's . Everyone wanted her hair colour, she influenced fashion, hair and make-up and I feel Kate has too in a similar way (Plus shes also royal)
When Kate is photographed there is never really a bad photo of her, this is also similar to what Queen Elizabeth had ordered. I do believe she has had an impact on society as a whole, I think she has created a brillent role model for young people to look up and though she has lots of responsibilty to carry on her shoulders she still acts like a normal person, does normal things etc.

I chose the magazine covers for photos of Kate to highlight my point further about her being talked about constantly, not only her life, but her fashion, her style and her just in general. I also chose a different selection of magazine covers to show that it wasnt just one magazine that talked about her alot, it was mostly all magazines that talked about her.
Also alot of the hair styles that Kate wears reflects Elizabethan hair and the style of the time. She wears lots of icon clothes and hats which was much like Queen Elizabeth, Her country is very found of her which is another point her and queen Elizabethen share so I really really think and feel that Kate gives a very good example of The New Elizabethen.
The second person I have chosen , is Karl Lagerfeld the current designer and head of Chanel.
Iv chosen Karl because of his influences within the fashion industry. He isn't afraid to take risks within the fashion industry and I think that helps to make him so successful. He has taken Chanel from Strength to strength in recent years.
He is the reason for ''the little black dress'' , which has influenced so many other fashion houses from high street brands right up to the designer brands. The idea of the little black dress has been designed and then redesigned by so many different fashion houses. I feel Karl has really made Chanel what it is today. He is able to make what people want without them even knowing it , which I think is very inspiring. Chanel sort of lost its identity in the 60's and Karl was able to find this again , he was able to bring it back up to strength. He somehow turned it into a bad girl chic . He is famous for his iconic look of a high collar, white hair and black glasses. I think Karl , like a lot of the Elizabethans will be remembered long long after he is dead, not just as the face and head of Chanel. But for his inspirational designs, His way of shaping fashion into what it is today and pushing forward with designs even when people have criticized him for them. Much like queen Elizabeth when everyone was telling her to get married and she stood her ground on what she wanted so has Karl on fashion and his designs.

He has basically reinvented chanel which is one of the most historic fashion houses. He also isn't just a fashion designer not only for chanel, but he is also a photographer, costume designer, director, and illustrator. He also designs for Fendi and chloe.
My third chosen person for the new Elizabethan is Walt Disney . Iv chosen Walt because I fell when he was alive he really shaped the way people make fictional characters in television. Even now that he is dead his work is still remembered, studied and continued on. Plus he made my childhood very happy watching Micky Mouse every morning!
Walt Disney is known throughout the world much like the Elizabethans. He is also a major figure all over the world. He started what is now the best known motion picture producers company in the world known as Walt Disney Productions. He created the most iconic fictional character that is widely known all over the world, Micky Mouse. In his life time he won 22 academy awards from 59 nominations which has given him more then any other person in history. I believe he has influenced society with his designs.I think he has contributed to young kids having and developing an imitation.
Any Icionic film or well known television production that you can think of, more then likely he has been involved in the making of it to some description and I think he will always be remembered and studied not just in this century but in many many to come.

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